Memahami Energi Latho’if Para Nabi dan Wali melalui PancaLAKU (2)

Pada saat kita sudah terbiasa amalkan PancaLAKU maka kita akan terbiasa setiap saat “melihat” melalui mati hati/mata ketiga/mata batin dan dibimbing oleh berbagai variasi Cahaya-Cahaya halus LATHO’IF dalam kehidupan dan aktivitas kita sehari-hari. Uraian lengkapnya silakan baca di facebook penulis. Namun ringkasnya (maaf lagi-lagi dalam bahasa Inggris) adalah sebagai berikut:

Through the purity of the mind shines out the lata’if (subtle) Blue lights of Aql-i-Awwal (First Intellect) or Aql-i-Kulli (Universal Intellect), also known by the western spiritualist as “Nous” (the Divine Mind). While through the purity of the soul shines out the lata’if White lights from Alam-i-Jabarut (the world of power) also Alam-i-Arwah (the world of spirits; ruh means spirit, arwah is the plural form), which is known by the western spiritualist as the “Causal World” or the “Causal Plane”. And through the purity of the heart shines out the lata’if Green lights from Alam-i-Lahut (the “world” of God-ness), known by the western spiritualist as the Heavenly Realms. Thus, Blue, White and Green are often associated with the prophets and a’wliya’ (saints), because they reflect the lata’if lights of the Divine. And those who believe in God and all His Noble Messengers, are the truly sincere (Siddiqeen); and are witness upon others, before their Lord; for them is their reward, and their Light (Surat Al-Hadeed [57]: Verse 19).

Semua Cahaya-Cahaya itu terkoneksi dengan ALAM-ALAM GAIB SPIRITUAL, yaitu ringkasnya:

There are many worlds (Alam) of dimensional space and time besides this physical world (Alam-i-Ajsam). Six of them are connected with the six Lata’if (subtle) points within each soul (Nafs). Those six worlds besides this physical world (Alam-i-Ajsam) are:
(1) Alam al-Mulk,
(2) Alam al-Malakut,
(3) Alam al-A’raaf,
(4) Alam al-Jabarut, also known as Alam al-Arwah,
(5) Alam al-A’mr, also known as Alam al-Lahut, and
(6) Alam al-Ghayb-ul-Ghayb, also known as Alam al-Hahut.
All these worlds can be seen through the six Lata’if points of each pure soul, as the Qur’an reveals, “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves (their souls/ethereal bodies) until it becomes clear to them that it is the Truth.” (Surat Fussilat (41) Verse 53).

First, Alam-e-Mulk (the World of Sovereignty). It is beyond this physical world (Alam-i-Ajsam). Alam-i-Ajsam and Alam-e-Ghayb (the Unseen Universe), which also includes Alam al-Jinn (World of Jinn/Genie) are within Alam-e-Mulk. “Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom (Malik-e-Mulk)! You give the kingdom to whomsoever You please and take the kingdom away from whomsoever You please, and You exalt whomsoever You please and abase whomsoever You please; in Your hand is goodness; surely You have power over all things.” (3:26). Alam-e-Mulk can be seen through the QALB Lata’if point, which is at the above left side of one’s “ethereal chest” (“sadr” in Arabic).
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel Mikail (Michael) a’layhis sallam
It is related to the Reality of al-Jadzbah (Heavenly Attraction)
And it is related to four prophets and their four hidden wisdoms, which are:
Prophet Adam a’layhi as-sallam and his al-hikmah al-Ilaahiyyah wisdom
Prophet Luth (Lot) and his al-hikmah al-Malikiyyah wisdom
Prophet Yaq’ub (Jacob) and his al-hikmah al-Ruhiyyah wisdom
And Prophet Zakariya (Zachary) and his al-hikmah al-Milkiyyah wisdom
Their Lata’if Divine lights are yellow hue.

Second, Alam-e-Malakut (the world of psychic substance). It is beyond Alam-e-Mulk. Alam e-Mulk is within the dimensional space of Alam-e-Malakut. “He sends down the angels (through Alam-e-Malakut), with the inspiration of His command, upon whom He wills of His servants, [telling them], “Warn that there is no deity except Me; so fear Me.” (16:2). The Lights coming from Alam-e-Malakut can be seen through the AQL Lata’if point, which lays at one’s ethereal forehead, above his/her third eye.
It is related to the Reality of al-Fayd (Heavenly Knowledge Down-Pouring)
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel Jibril (Jibreel/Gabriel) a’layhis sallam
And it is related to two prophets and their two hidden wisdoms, which are:
Prophet Ishaaq (Isaac) and his al-hikmah al-Haqqiyyah wisdom
And Prophet Dawud (David) and his al-hikmah al-Wujudiyyah wisdom
Their Lata’if Divine lights, seen from this world, are a kind of blue hue.

Third, Alam-e-A’raaf. It is the place for those whose good and bad deeds are equal. Their evil deeds prevented them from qualifying to enter Paradise, and their good deeds qualified them to avoid the Fire. Its dimensional space is beyond Alam-e-Malakut. The Qur’an reveals, “And between them will be a partition, and on [its] elevations (Al-A’raaf) are men who recognize all by their mark. “And they call out to the companions of Paradise, “Peace be upon you.” They have not [yet] entered it, but they long intensely. And when their eyes are turned toward the companions of the Fire, they say, “Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people.” And the companions of the Elevations will call to men [within Hell] whom they recognize by their mark, saying, “Of no avail to you was your gathering and [the fact] that you were arrogant.” [Allah will say], “Are these the ones whom you [inhabitants of Hell] swore that Allah would never offer them mercy? Enter Paradise, [O People of the Elevations]. No fear will there be concerning you, nor will you grieve.” (7: 46-49). The Lights coming from Alam-e-A’raaf can be seen through the SIRR (Secret) Lata’if point, which is at the above right side of one’s ethereal chest.
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel Israfil a’layhis sallam
It is related to the Reality of at-Tawajjuh (Focusing on Place where no sins is going to be committed)
And it is related to four prophets and their four hidden wisdoms, which are:
Prophet Nuh (Noah) and his al-hikmah al-Subuhiyyah wisdom
Prophet Shalih (Saleeh) and his al-hikmah al-Futuhiyyah wisdom
Prophet Syu’ayb (Shoaib) and his al-hikmah al-Qalbiyyah wisdom
And Prophet Sulayman (Solomon) and his al-hikmah al-Rahmaniyyah wisdom
Their Lata’if Divine lights, seen from this world, are red hue.

Fourth, Alam-e-Jabarut (the world of power) also known as Alam-i-Arwah (the world of spirits, including the Holy Spirit and the spirits of all angels and pious people reside there). Its dimensional space is beyond Alam-e-A’raaf. The Holy Spirit (Ruhul Quddus) comes to this world from this Alam-e-Jabarut. Say, [O Muhammad], “The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord with the Truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to those who have submitted.” (16:102). The Lights coming from Alam-e-Jabarut can be seen through the SIRR-A-SIRR (Secret of Secret) Lata’if point, which is at the below left side of one’s ethereal chest.
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel Malik (Keeper of the Hellfire)
It is related to two Realities, which are:
The Reality of Tawassul (Intercession) and the Reality of I’rsyad (Guidance)
And it is related to seven prophets and their seven hidden wisdoms, which are:
Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his al-hikmah al-Muhaymiyyah wisdom
Prophet Musa (Moses) and his al-hikmah al-U’luwiyyah wisdom
Prophet Isma’il (Ishmael) and his al-hikmah al-A’liyyah wisdom
Prophet Hud (Hood) and his al-hikmah al-Ahadiyyah wisdom
Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and his al-hikmah al-Nuriyyah wisdom
Prophet Harun (Aaron) and his al-hikmah al-Imamiyyah wisdom
And Prophet Alyasa’a (Elisha) and his al-hikmah al-Samadiyyah wisdom
Their Lata’if Divine lights, seen from this world, are white, except that of Alyasa’a’s wisdom, is black.

Fifth, Alam-e-A’mr (the Realm of Command) also known as Alam-i-Lahut (the “world” of God-ness, the root “Lah” one is the same as in Al-Lah [GOD]. Also, generally spoken as Lahut). It is above the realm of Uniqueness (al-Wahidiyyat). It is the realm of Unity (al-Wahdah). It is the Realm of the Manifest Absolute. “He conducts the Command (A’mr) from the heaven to the earth; thereafter it winds up (i.e., to ascend with difficalty) to Him in one Day, whose determined (length) is a thousand years of what you number.” (32:5). It is beyond Alam-e-Jabarut. The Lights coming from Alam-e-A’mr can be seen through the KHAFI (Arcane/Hidden) Lata’if point, which is at the below right side of one’s ethereal chest.
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel Ridwan (the Keeper of the Paradise)
It is related to the Reality of Tayy (Scrolling/ Folding the Dimension of Time and Space)
And it is related to seven prophets and their seven hidden wisdoms, which are:
Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) and his al-hikmah al-Nubuwiyyah wisdom
Prophet Yahya (John) and his al-hikmah al-Jalaliyyah wisdom
Prophet Ilyas (Elijah) and his al-hikmah al-Inasiyyah wisdom
Prophet Ayyub (Job) and his al-hikmah al-Ghaybiyyah wisdom
Prophet Yunus (Jonah) and his al-hikmah al-Nafsiyyah wisdom
Prophet Syits (Seth) and his al-hikmah al-Nafatsiyah wisdom
And Prophet Idris (Enoch) and his al-hikmah al-Quddusiyyah wisdom
Their Lata’if Divine lights, seen from this world, are green, except that of the wisdom of Idris, is black.

Sixth, Alam ul-Ghayb-ul-Ghayb (Ultimate Unseen), also known as Alam al-Hahut (the Realm of “He-ness”, Hu-He being the Arabic term pertaining to God’s Essence prior to manifestation). It is above all realms. It is the realm of The Un-manifest Absolute. It is the realm of the Absolute Essence, the Absolute One (Ahad), the only One, One without any partner, One without a second.”Say: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten; and none is like Him”. (112:1-4). Guidance from Alam ul-Ghayb-ul-Ghayb can be received through the AKHFA (Most Arcane/Hidden) Lata’if point, which is at the center of one’s ethereal chest.
It is related to the spiritual light of the Angel I’zrail (the Angel of Death)
It is related to the Reality of Muhammad (al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah)
Also known as the Reality of the Universal (al-Haqiqat al-Kulliyyah)
Also known as the Reality of All Realities (al-Haqiqat al-Haqa-iq)
It is related to one prophet and his hidden wisdom, which is:
The Last Prophet Muhammad (saws) and his all-comprehensive wisdom
The Lata’if Divine lights of Alam ul-Ghayb-ul-Ghayb, seen from this world, are black hue outside and unearthly beyond description inside.

All of these Lata’if can be activated through PancaLAKU (“the Five Deeds of Spiritual Excellence”), which is purifying the soul (“Tazkiyatun Nafs” in Arabic) continuously with:
1. TAWADU (“Rendah Hati” in Indonesia): Humble in God’s presence and humble towards people;
2. SIDDIQ (“LURUS” in Indonesia): Truthful to the inner self and in all affairs of life;
3. IKHLAS (“TULUS” in Indonesia): Sincerity of intention in all actions to please no one but God, the One only;
4. ZUHUD: Non-attachment from all that which distracts from God;
5. FANA FILLAH: Extinction of the self in God.
May Allah forgive me and bless you.

“Dan bersabarlah (jaga adab/etika/jangan menggosipkan saat) kamu bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang menyeru Tuhannya di pagi dan senja hari dengan mengharap/menginginkan/mencari WAJAH-Nya; dan janganlah kedua matamu berpaling dari mereka (orang-orang ahli dzikr itu, karena) mengharapkan perhiasan dunia ini; dan janganlah kamu mengikuti orang yang hatinya telah Kami lalaikan dari berdzikr (Dzikr Hening/Dzikr Qalbu/Dzikr Kahfi), serta menuruti hawa nafsunya dan adalah keadaannya itu melewati batas.”
( QS. Al-Kahfi, ayat ke-28 )

One thought on “Memahami Energi Latho’if Para Nabi dan Wali melalui PancaLAKU (2)

  1. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi says:

    Mas Yos, pada artikel Energi Latho’if (1), maqom Sirr berada pada elips berwarna merah, sedangkan di artikel ini berwarna Putih.
    Mohon pencerahan lbh lanjut,
    Tks, wass

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