PART 1247
Hikmah #12461
“The calmer they are, the more relaxed
they become are those who have either
some or all of these arcane inside them:
sheep, rabbit, koala, llama, pigeon, dog,
fish, cat, dove, horse, wolf, bears, bison,
duck, monkey, orangutan, and butterfly
The calmer, the more alert they become
are those who have either some or all of
these diverse veiled arcane inside them:
hare, otter, beaver, rat, snake, owl, lynx,
cheetah, leopard, puma, jaguar, salmon,
turtles, tortoise, snakebirds, kingfishers,
flickers, goose, bull, oxen, goats, moose,
camel, peacock, rooster, seagull, hawks,
falcon, hoopoe, dragonfly, grasshopper,
bees, ants, phoenixes, ravens, dolphin,
whale, whippoorwill, bluebird, cowbird,
cardinals, blackbirds, nightingales, blue
jay, oriole, magpies, catbirds, warblers,
goldfinches, and many other songbirds.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12462
“The calmer, the more elegant they
become are those who have some
or all of these arcane inside them:
deer, swans, cranes, and unicorns
The calmer, the more charismatic they
become are those who have one, some
or all of these regal arcane: tigers, lions,
dragons, eagles and the white elephant
In Wiyoso’s case, the calmer he is,
the more relaxed, more fully alert,
more elegant, and the much more
charismatic he becomes promptly
Calm is the power of the mind and soul.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12463
“Blessed are those who are under
pressure for they might find their
hidden fighting spirit inside them.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12464
“Before the age of 13-year-old, Wiyoso
Hadi never knew that he had fighting
spirits in him until he was bullied and
voices speak inside his heart & mind:
“Fight back like a leopard
Fight back like a snakebird!”
Those were his first two fighting spirits
Two years later the little brother of
his paternal grandmother told him:
“Don’t be weak! You are descendants
of tigers, you’re descendants of lions!”
Those were the days when he was
mostly motivated by these arcane
Tigers, lions, dragons, big horned ram,
lone wolves, lone bears, bison, pumas,
cheetah, leopard, jaguars, bull, hawks,
eagles, falcons, bees, phoenix, ravens
Yet, he didn’t want to be controlled
but he should control those arcane
He always tried to balance his fighting
spirits with the hornless sheep in him
until the imperial pure white elephant
of Buddha alias the ‘Enlightened One’
emerged and became the actualized
arcane of him by much lataif istighfar
He was known by hidden ones as the
future Maitreya (Compassionate) one
Compassion is the power of heart and soul.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12465
“It is good to have the bravery of the
tigers, lions, dragons, jaguars, pumas,
bears, leopard, eagles, hawks, falcon,
bees, as long as they are balanced by
the gentleness of the lambs, hornless
sheep, rabbit, koala, and the softness
of the doves and pigeons, so that the
possessors of those braveries do not
become arrogant, harsh, unforgiving.”
~ Yos W Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12466
“Yos Wiyoso Hadi has over 181 fighting
spirits that cannot be balanced just by
the gentle lambs, soft hornless sheep,
doves, pigeons, rabbits, koalas in him,
but they have to be controlled by the
great but very gentle, compassionate,
forgiving, wise, saintly white elephant
native arcane inside his mind and soul
In dreams, that white elephant was
captived but now free from its cage
meaning being an actualized arcane
That is why some souls see in dreams
or visions that Yos Wiyoso Hadi is one
with the essence of Buddha, who was
the saintly white elephant of his time.”
~ Yos W Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12467
“Be brave as the tigers, lions, dragons
inside, very gentle, very patient, very
compassionate, and forgiving outside
Those who have the calmness of our
ancestors Adam, Seth, and Enos and
that of Buddha have that personality
True calmness brings peace to the
world by gentleness and patiences.”
~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12468
“Those who easily get angry, gloomy,
unhappy, impatient, pushy, arrogant,
selfish, mischievous, unkind, corrupt,
greedy, stingy, wicked, easily jealous,
envious, stubborn, unpleasant, rude
in comment, harsh in response, nasty
in actions, immoral, dishonest, tricky,
lazy, nasty, possessive, unforgiving or
have any other bad character are still
controlled by the wild arcane in them
The greatest jihad is to tame those
arcane and no one can tame them
before finding, knowing, assessing
and then purifying them by much
lataif silent dhikrullah meditations
so that only the heavenly positive
sides of them become your traits.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12469
“Once you win that greatest jihad
inside you, you can spread truth,
religion, morality and spirituality
without war and debates but by
calmness, patience, compassion
and mercy just like Buddha and
Yos Wiyoso Hadi Kasanpuro do
Those who win the greatest jihad
in them become among the truly
actualized white, gentle, majestic
imperial elephant arcane of them
Only after that, their angelic arcane
whether it is winged horse, winged
unicorn, winged sheep, winged bull
or other winged angelic arcane will
be realized gradually through them.”
~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12470
“Find any perfect master, who has
won the greatest jihad inside him
and learn from him diligently, so
that one day you might also be a
perfect master in lataif technique
Perfect masters are calm, wise, and
spiritually very powerful for they all
have tamed the wild arcane in them.”
~ Yos Hadi ( Moharram 5 1395AH – )
“Indeed whosoever purifies himself (from ego and become egoless in the Will of Allah i.e. Fanafillah) shall achieve success (happiness), and remembers (glorifies) the Name of his Lord, and prays.”
( Surat Al-’A`laa verse 14-15 )