PART 1214
Hikmah #12131
“Yos Wiyoso Hadi Kasanpuro is one among the
living vessels of billions of Lataif Lights of Allah
Wiyoso does silent istighfar billions of times
daily to keep the vessel clean, so that it can
distribute the billions lataif light powerfully
to different hearts, minds, souls, bodies, &
places around the world during fanafi Allah.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12132
“Wiyoso does not reveal to whom those
lataif lights are sent, so that those who
receive it do not need to thank Wiyoso
Yet, the holy angels inform to some of the
receivers, so that they thank Wiyoso Hadi.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12133
“Those who receive the lataif lights through
the vessel alias etheric body of Wiyoso Hadi
find themselves inside and fully surrounded
by the wonderful Light of Heavens on Earth
It makes them spiritually stronger, calmer,
wiser, much more patient, more forgiving,
and zillions of times closer to Allahu Ahad.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12134
“They can use those lights for spiritual
distance healing to cure people from
depressions or from certain illnesses
caused by depression or melancholy
To do that, they need to focus on their
third eye and heart Ya-Seen lataif point
while sending those unseen lataif lights
through either their right palm or third
eye and reciting istighfar silently during
the whole process and ending it always
with salawat ibrahimiyya just as Wiyoso
Hadi showed how to do it in gatherings.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12135
“Wiyoso Hadi from the East is the Adam,
Elijah, Elisha, Jesus of soul lataif healing.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram, 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12136
“Wiyoso Hadi Kasanpuro III is connected
to the Khwajagan Golden Chain not only
thru dreams but also thru Sunan Gunung
Jati and Sunan Kalijaga thru his maternal
grandfather Ki Darsosumarto who was a
silent dhikr doer among the ascetic ones.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12137
“Not only Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Salman
al-Farsi, Uways al-Qarni, Abdullah Ibn
Abbas and Qasim bin Muhammad bin
Abubakr but also all 44 masters of the
Hudawwudiya Golden Chain did more
silent dhikr Allah than loud dhikrullah
Thus, the Hudawwudiyya Spiritual
Family Community is a silent dhikr
global society, which also permits
their participants to do loud dhikr.”
~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi ( 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12138
“The prophet, who blesses at most
the tolerant Hudawwudiyya silent
dhikr global society is the Prophet
Muhammad (saws), then Prophet
Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abram, then
Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, Ishmael, Seth,
Enos, Qaynan & Mahalalel, Jared,
Methuselah, David, and Solomon,
Moses and the green aura Alkhidr
All those 19 prophets of AllahuAhad
and the other 123,981 prophets did
more silent dhikrullah than the loud
dhikr in their own mother language
Blessed are the Hudawwudis for they
follow and are blessed by all prophets.”
~ Yos W Hadi ( Moharram 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12139
“Love your mother fully and sincerely for
Wiyoso Hadi is not only blessed with the
Al-‘Azizan heavenly secrets but also with
the secrets of the other 28 true masters
among the first 29 noble masters of the
Khwajagan-Darsosumarto Chain due to
doing dhikrullah intensively for his late
mother over 70 minutes daily for seven
years from 2004 – 2011 days and nights
after observing the 5 obligatory prayers.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5 1395AH – )
Hikmah #12140
“Khwajagan-Darsosumarto Chain
1. Nabi Muhammad (saws)
2. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (573-634)
3. Salman al-Farsi (died 656)
4. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (619-687)
5. Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr (660-728)
6. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (702-765)
7. Imam Musa al-Kazim (745-799)
8. Imam Ali ar-Rida (766-818)
9. Abu Yazid al-Bistami (804-877/78)
10. Khwaja Muhammad al-Maghribi (864-)
11. Khwaja Abu Yazid al-‘Ishqi Iraqi (917-)
12. Khwaja Abul Mudhaffar at-Turk at-Tusi (938 – )
13. Khwaja Abul Hasan ‘Ali al-Kharqani (963-1033)
14. Khwaja Abul Qasim al-Gurgani (990-1058)
15. Khwaja Abu ‘Ali al-Farmadi (1042-1117)
16. Khwaja Yusuf al-Hamadani (1048-1141)
17. Khwaja ‘Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (died 1179)
18. Khwaja ‘Arif ar-Riwgari (1156-1219)
19. Khwaja Mahmud Anjir al-Faghnawi (-1315)
20. Khwaja ‘Ali ar-Ramitani (1198-1321)
21. Khwaja Muhammad Baba as-Samasi (-1354)
22. Khwaja Sayyid Amir Kulal (1278-1370)
23. Khwaja Bahauddin Shah Naqshband (1317-1389)
24. Khwaja Ala’uddin al-Attar al-Bukhari (1338-1402)
25. Khwaja Hassan bin Ala’uddin Attar (died 1426)
26. Khwaja Yusuf bin Hassan al-Attar (1386-1460)
27. Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Attar (1407-1490)
28. Mawlana Sunan Gunung Jati (1448-1568)
29. Raden Said Sunan Kalijaga (1450-1560)
30. Sunan Tembayat in Klaten (1480-1560)
31. Sayyid Kalkum (father of Maulana Mas)
32. Maulana Mas Panembahan Agung in Kajoran
33. Panembahan Raden in Kajoran, South Klaten
34. Panembahan Rama Kajoran (died 1679)
35. Kertonadi A. Wiromenggolo (nephew)
36. Tumenggung Mataram (son-in-law of #34)
37. Resika Notoprojo Notobroto I
38. Bendoro P. Haryo Notobroto II
39. Raden Mas Haryo Surotaruno
40. Raden Mas Surotaruno II
41. Raden Ngabehi Surotaruno III
42. Raden T. Prawirodigdoyo
43. Raden Condrono
44. Ki Raden Codikromo
45. Kyai Karsoredjo (1873-1949)
46. Ki Darsosumarto (died 1968)
47. Bint Darsosumarto (1951-2004)
48. Wiyoso Hadi Kasanpuro (1975 – )
The personality of Ki Darsosumarto is fully
like the spirit of Surat Al-Furqaan verse 63.”
~ Wiyoso Hadi ( Moharram 5, 1395AH – )
“And the servants of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words or rude comments) they reply back with mild words of Peace.”
( Surat Al-Furqaan verse 63 )